Poster Abstract Submission Information


ABSTRACT DEADLINE: February 18th, 2025

The Boston Society Gene and Cell Therapy conference will include a poster session, and attendees are invited to submit poster abstracts for consideration.  Due to space constraints, not all posters can be accommodated.  Please note, posters topics are not limited to topics covered in the conference sessions, but must be relevant to a gene and cell therapy audience.

The organizing committee will review all poster abstracts received prior to the deadline and will notify presenters of their poster's approval as soon as possible, but not later than March 1st, 2025. 


Please email abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and include Gene and Cell Therapy Poster Abstract Submission in the subject line.

Poster Guidelines:

  • Abstracts should include the following sections with headers: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee prior to approval.
  • Posters should fit within a 32" x 40" wide space (landscape or portrait).
  • Poster authors may set up their posters on March 20, 2025 during registration/breakfast time
  • Poster presenters will be expected to stand with their posters to answer questions during the poster session, which will take place concurrently with evening reception.
  • It's the author's responsibility to remove their posters and all other materials.



Session I: Current State-of-the-Art Gene Delivery

Session II: Translational PK/PD and Clinical Pharmacology Aspects

Session III: Biomarkers and Clinical Translation Aspects of Gene Therapy


Click here to register for the Gene and Cell Therapy conference online.

The conference will take place March 20-21, 2025 at:

BMS, Cambridge Crossing, Cambridge, MA


The Boston Society

The Boston Society (R) is an internationally-recognized NON-PROFIT organization dedicated to bringing the best scientific ideas to industrial practice through focused, timely workshops and conferences. 501(c)3


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